The advent of e-commerce has transformed the retail landscape, and with it, the demand for innovative solutions has given rise to e-commerce app development. In the era of digital convenience, businesses are increasingly recognizing the importance of having a robust mobile presence. From streamlined navigation to secure payment gateways, these apps are designed to enhance the overall shopping experience. As we explore the realm of e-commerce app development, it becomes evident that crafting engaging, responsive, and feature-rich applications is essential for businesses seeking to thrive in the competitive online marketplace. Similar apps to Shopee are widely available and are becoming increasingly popular in this industry.

When it comes to making investments in eCommerce businesses, entrepreneurs are fanatics. But it’s essential to understand how to create a mobile marketplace app. Understanding its growth is crucial. The procedures and factors to be taken into account when creating a Shopee-like e-commerce app from scratch will be discussed in this blog. We’ll go over the core elements and functionalities of any e-commerce software, as well as any potential logistical and technical difficulties.

You ought to know after this post what it takes to create an online shopping app similar to Shopee and be prepared to begin developing an eCommerce app.

Now let’s get going!

Examine the Market for Apps for Online Shopping, such as Shopee

  • Walmart made its debut on the US list of shopping apps in 2021, with a total of 120 million users using the app each month. Amazon’s app ranked second with 98 million monthly mobile users.
  • Amazon is the most popular e-commerce app globally, with an average of over 217 million monthly active users in 2021. Second place went to Walmart’s app, which has 120 million monthly users. In the United States, both were the most popular online shopping apps.
  • Owing to customers staying at home and making purchases they would have made in-store, online shopping platforms have seen a considerable increase in visitors as a result of the broad coronavirus outbreak. In 2022, there were almost 3.2 billion monthly visitors to, and there were almost 590 million monthly visitors to
  • With 50.7 billion unique authentication sessions, Amazon Shopping was the most popular shopping app in 2021. The following app was the Walmart app, which had almost 25 billion sessions as of November of that year. The Taobao and SHEIN applications of Chinese Marketplace Taobao and SHEIN ranked third and fourth, respectively, with 14.4 billion and 11.6 billion visitors.
  • Based on data from 2017, Flipkart holds about 39.5% of the total market share in India’s eCommerce industry.

What Is a Shopee-Like Online Shopping App?

An online-based retailer, a software program that lets consumers explore and buy goods and services online is called an app similar to Shopee. Smartphones and tablets can be used to access online shopping apps, which can be downloaded from app stores like the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.

A wide range of products and services, such as clothing, electronics, home goods, and food shopping, are frequently offered by an app like Shopee. They frequently have a shopping cart, a payment gateway, delivery choices, and tools for searching and filtering products. Personalized suggestions, loyalty programs, and customer support are additional features that certain progressive web apps for e-commerce provide.

Users may shop anywhere, at any time, with the help of apps like Shopee. In addition, they frequently provide a simpler and more customised purchasing experience than conventional eCommerce websites.

How Do You Make An Online Shopping App?

You may find a guide to help you with bespoke web development in this section. Although creating an online shopping app similar to Shopee can be a challenging undertaking, the following general stages will help you get started:

  1. Do some market research and analysis:

When developing an eCommerce app, the first step is to conduct market research to learn about the competitors, the target market, and the wants and needs of the users. It will assist you in customizing your Shopee-like app to satisfy user requests and differentiate yourself from competitors. Many entrepreneurs encounter difficulties during development since they must finish this step in the initial phase. Before beginning bespoke web development, thorough market and competitor research is advised.

  1. Describe the features and functionality of the app:

Choose the features and capabilities that your platform for the online marketplace will offer. A shopping cart, a payment gateway, product search and filtering, and delivery choices are a few examples of what it might have. It’s critical to understand that your software, like Shopee, needs to be both aesthetically pleasing and easy to use. Take into account elements like the platform’s overall design, usability, and layout for the online marketplace.

  1. Develop the application:

The moment has arrived to develop a Shopee-like eCommerce app. At this point, you must work with committed developers to assist you in creating one. The programmers will use a programming language and framework to construct the application according to specifications. Many variables can cause the construction of an eCommerce platform to take longer than usual, so it’s best to stay in constant contact with mobile app developers to get updates on the platform’s progress.

  1. Check and Open the App:

Testing comes after development and is crucial. Testing and quality control are included in every stage of the creation of a mobile app. Make sure the committed developers you hired are giving you Shopee-like apps after testing. When your app is prepared, it will soon debut, much like Shopee.

But it’s important to understand that every mobile app launch presents unique challenges. Thus, be sure you get in touch with an eCommerce Website Development company before releasing an app similar to Shopee or any other eCommerce app. You can only get publishing assistance from a consulting company’s developer.

Remember that creating an app similar to Shopee involves many more elements and considerations than what is shown in this high-level synopsis of the procedure. To guarantee the success of your app like Shopee, it is advised that you enlist the assistance of a seasoned online shopping app development business.

Characteristics of Shopee-like Online Shopping Apps?

Understanding the features of web apps is crucial when developing ones similar to Shopee. The time has arrived for you to review some amazing features of both panels’ online marketplace development. These are some common aspects that you should take into account while creating an app similar to Shopee for online shopping.

  1. The User Panel

Listings of Products: a list of goods with details including pictures, descriptions, costs, and ratings that may be purchased.

User Profiles: A website where users can create accounts, log in, and manage their profiles and purchases.

A feature in the marketplace: App development called “shopping cart” enables customers to add products to a virtual cart and pay for them all at once.

Payment gateway: A safe method of handling credit card and mobile payments made online is called a payment gateway.

Product Lookup and Sorting: A tool that makes it simple for consumers to locate and arrange products according to a variety of factors, including brand, category, price, and rating.

Order Tracking: A feature in online marketplace development that allows users to view the status of their orders and receive updates on the delivery process.

Customer Service: A system for handling customer inquiries, complaints, and feedback through a live chat or a support hotline.

Delivery Options: Users can choose from various delivery options, such as standard shipping, express shipping, and pickup in-store when placing an order.

Push Notifications: A system that sends updates and alerts to users through push notifications, such as new product releases or sale events.

Personalization: A feature in eCommerce application development that tailors the user experience to the individual user’s preferences and histories, such as by showing recommend

  1. Admin Console

Product management: adding, modifying, and removing products from the app’s catalog while maintaining all relevant information about them, including prices, categories, photos, and descriptions.

Order Processing: Tools for handling orders placed via the app, such as the capacity to handle refunds, examine and update order status, and notify customers of shipment updates.

Client Administration: A customer database and tools for handling accounts and data, such as seeing orders, address information, and contact details for customers.

Marketing and Promotions: Tools for designing and organizing marketing programs, such as generating discount codes and promo codes, putting up email marketing campaigns, and monitoring the outcomes of marketing initiatives.

Reporting and Analytics: The capacity to monitor important app performance indicators and metrics including revenue, traffic, and user engagement.

User Administration: Adding, modifying, and removing user accounts as well as allocating roles and permissions, and monitoring user activity are among the tools for managing user accounts.

Configuration & Settings: You may customize the theme and layout of the app, set up payment gateways, and choose shipping methods to control the overall behavior and appearance of the app.

Technology Stack Used in Shopee and Other Online Shopping Apps

The particular specifications and functionalities of the app will determine the technological stack utilized to create an online shopping app similar to Shopee. However, make sure you have the backing of the top online shopping app development business before moving forward. The following is a list of common tech stack elements that might be utilized in the creation of an app similar to Shopee:

  1. Languages for Programming: Popular programming languages for creating web apps are Python, Java, and JavaScript.
  1. Framework for the front end: To create the user interface and manage user interactions with the program, front-end frameworks like React and Angular are utilized.
  1. Framework for the back end: The server side of the application is developed using a back-end framework, such as Django or Node.js, which also manages the database and performs server-side rendering.
  1. Database: The app stores and retrieves data, including product listings and user information, via a database like MySQL or MongoDB.
  2. Cloud Services: You can host the app on a cloud service like Google Cloud or Letgo Web Services, which also offers scalability, security, and other advantages.
  3. Other tools and Services: Project management software, testing frameworks, and version control systems are a few more products and services that can be used in the eCommerce web development process.

Remember that this is only a high-level summary of the tech stack; many more elements may be included based on the particular needs of eCommerce web development. It is advised that you consult with an experienced eCommerce marketplace development company to choose the best tech stack for your business.

How Much Does It Cost to Create a Shopee-like Online Shopping App?

The complexity of the app, the number of features and functionality, the design and user experience, and the technological stack utilized are some of the variables that can significantly affect the cost of creating an e-commerce website similar to Shopee.

The following variables may have an impact on the price of creating an e-commerce website:

  1. App Complexity: Developing an eCommerce marketplace requires a lot more time and resources, which drives up development costs.
  2. Number of Features: Developing an app requires time and resources, which goes up in price the more features and capabilities it has.
  1. User Experience and Design:It will cost more to develop an app that is well-designed and easy to use because it will take more time and resources.
  2. Technology Stack: The app’s development process’s technology stack may have an impact on the price. For instance, the cost might be higher if you use more sophisticated or specialized technologies.
  3. The Group for Development: The price of creating an app similar to Shopee might also be influenced by the e-commerce development company you decide to collaborate with. For instance, it can cost more to work with a larger development team or an agency with more experience than it would to work with a smaller team or a lone freelancer.

Generally speaking, based on the previously stated parameters, the cost of designing an online shopping app might vary from $8,000 to $22,000. When carefully planning development, eCommerce developers must take your requirements and budget into account.

Here are some key steps to consider as you delve into market research:

  1. Identify Target Audience and Niche

Define your target audience based on demographics, interests, and behavior. This will help you tailor your platform to their needs and stand out from the competition. Additionally, identify a niche within the e-commerce market that you can specialize in, enabling you to focus your efforts and provide a unique value proposition. 

  • Analyze Competitors

Study the existing e-commerce platforms, including Shopee, and analyze their strengths and weaknesses. Look for areas where you can differentiate yourself and offer better solutions. This competitive analysis will help you position your platform effectively.

  • Understand Consumer Preferences

Conduct surveys, interviews, or focus groups to understand what customers expect from an e-commerce platform. Identify pain points, features they appreciate, and areas that can be improved.

  1. Building a Robust Infrastructure

Once you have gathered valuable insights from the market, it is time to lay the foundation for your e-commerce platform. Building a robust infrastructure is essential to ensure a seamless user experience and overall functionality of your application.

“A solid infrastructure is akin to a strong backbone that supports the growth of your platform.” – Sarah, a seasoned e-commerce developer.

Consider the following steps when building your infrastructure:

  • Choose the Right Technology Stack

Selecting the right technology stack is crucial for the success of your e-commerce platform. Opt for scalable and reliable solutions that can handle high traffic, secure transactions, and provide a smooth user interface. Some popular options include using frameworks such as React Native or Flutter for mobile app development, and powerful backend solutions like Node.js or Ruby on Rails.

  • Design an Intuitive User Interface

The user interface (UI) plays a vital role in attracting and retaining users. Aim for a clean and intuitive design that allows users to navigate effortlessly through the platform. Implement modern design principles, such as minimalist aesthetics, intuitive navigation menus, and responsive layouts for seamless browsing on different devices.

  •  Ensure Secure Payment Systems

The security of payment transactions is paramount for building trust with your users. Incorporate secure payment gateways, such as PayPal or Stripe, and implement encryption protocols to protect sensitive user information. Additionally, comply with industry regulations, such as the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), to ensure the highest level of security.

  •  Implement a Robust Product Catalog System

An efficient product catalog system allows users to easily browse and search for products. Implement filters, categories, and sorting options to enhance the shopping experience. Additionally, consider integrating advanced features like product recommendations based on user preferences and behavior to personalize the user’s journey.

  1. Creating a Seamless User Experience

Now that your platform has a robust infrastructure in place, it’s time to focus on creating a seamless user experience. This will help you engage customers and encourage repeat business, ultimately driving the success of your e-commerce platform.

“User experience is the bridge that connects your platform to its users, ensuring satisfaction and loyalty.” – Emma, a UX designer.

Consider the following aspects when designing the user experience:

  • Streamlined Registration and Login Process

Make the registration and login process simple and hassle-free. Offer multiple sign-up options, such as email, social media accounts, or single sign-on (SSO), to cater to different user preferences. Minimize the number of required fields and provide clear instructions to enhance user convenience.

  •  Intuitive Navigation and Search Functionality

Ensure that users can easily find what they are looking for by implementing intuitive navigation menus and search functionality. Keep the user interface clutter-free and enable users to refine their search results through filters and sorting options. Additionally, consider implementing autocomplete suggestions for quicker and more accurate search results.

  •  Personalized Recommendations and Notifications

Leverage user data and behavior to offer personalized product recommendations and notifications. Implement machine learning algorithms to analyze user preferences, purchase history, and browsing patterns. By delivering tailored recommendations and timely notifications, you can enhance the user experience and drive engagement.

  • Efficient Customer Support

Provide efficient customer support channels to address any concerns or issues that users may encounter. Offer multiple channels such as live chat, email, and phone support. Additionally, consider implementing a self-service knowledge base or FAQ section to empower users to find answers to common questions on their own.

Condensed into a Single Page!

Hopefully, this blog post helped you learn how to make apps similar to Shopee. To sum up, creating marketplace apps such as Etsy, Amazon, and Flipkart necessitates a blend of design prowess, technical know-how, and a thorough comprehension of e-commerce best practices. Even though it might be a complicated process, the end product is a strong and adaptable platform that can assist you in connecting with a large number of online buyers.

 If you’re in search of a top-tier application development company with a reputation akin to industry leaders like Shopee, look no further than Sigosoft. Their commitment to excellence and innovative solutions positions them as a go-to choice for businesses seeking superior application development. To turn your app ideas into reality, consider reaching out to Sigosoft and experience firsthand the quality and expertise that sets them apart in the competitive world of application development. Don’t miss the opportunity to collaborate with a company that shares the same commitment to success as industry giants like Shopee. Contact Sigosoft today and elevate your application to new heights.