Water Delivery Apps Development

  • Enhance Field Sales Efficiency
  • Streamlined Order Acceptance and Delivery
  • Deliver Consistent and High-Quality Service
  • Optimize Delivery Operations
  • Automated Billing and Invoicing
  • Real-Time Inventory Management
  • One month Free trial
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State of the Art Water Delivery App Development Company

Sigosoft is a leading mobile app development company, offering a sophisticated water delivery app solution. Our apps are meticulously crafted to elevate sales and maximize ROI for water delivery and manufacturing enterprises. With our Water Delivery App, streamline order processing, inventory management, and more while significantly reducing operational costs and time.

We pride ourselves on delivering tailored services to meet your unique needs, empowering your van sales business with our cutting-edge digital delivery system. Trust Sigosoft to unleash the full potential of your business with our advanced water delivery solution.

Features of our Water Delivery App

Customer Mobile App

Customer Mobile App

  • User-friendly
  • Location Tracking
  • Multilingual
  • Multiple payment methods
Easy Login And Registration Easy Login And Registration The customers are able to register and login to the app with ease. The only credentials needed are your name, your phone number, and your photo.
Multi-Lingual Support Multi-Lingual Support The app supports multiple languages so that people without a grasp over English do not feel left out. This helps in adhering to the needs of the regional population.
Browse Products Browse Products Customers are able to browse the products available in the app and sort/filter it on the basis of item name, price, or size.
Available Coupons Available Coupons Customers can view active coupons, coupon packages, used coupons, pending coupons and redeem the coupons as they please. They can even see when each coupon pack expires within the app.
Edit Profile Edit Profile Customers can edit their own profile with their name, profile photo, and phone number. They can edit this information any time they please.
View And Place Orders View And Place Orders Customers can view and place orders, view order numbers, total price, select location, date, and time and view order statuses like name of the driver and start time.
Payments Payments Customers are able to make payments through different methods. There is an online payment gateway, swiping cards, or even cash on delivery is available.
Location Location The customers are able to mark their location when ordering a product. Furthermore, they can track the location of the delivery partner handling their order.
Supervisor Mobile App

Supervisor Mobile App

  • User Friendly
  • Vans management
  • Stock verification
  • Status updates
Verified Login Verified Login Supervisors have a verified login to the app so that unauthorized personnel do not get access to confidential data.
Manage Vans Coming In Manage Vans Coming In Supervisors manage the vans coming into a facility by noting the agency names, cans needed, empty cans, full cans, broken cans, smelly/defect cans along with the date and time.
Manage Vans Going Out Manage Vans Going Out Supervisors keep track of the agency name, refill cans, new cans if approved, approval date and time and the van out date and time.
Co-Filling Co-Filling Supervisors keep a log of the customer name, product, quantity, date and time for new requests, pending requests, and paid requests.
Receive Status Reports Receive Status Reports Supervisors receive daily and monthly status reports about the total new cans, total refills, total broken cans, and total smelly/defect cans.
Call Center Web App

Call Center Web App

  • Multi Informational Dashboard
  • New Entries
  • Manage Orders
  • Manage Customers
Live Dashboard Live Dashboard The live dashboard shows daily, weekly, and monthly statuses about new, pending, canceled, and completed orders.
New Entries New Entries Call center employees can easily make detailed new entries complete with a detailed invoice of the order.
Manage Orders Manage Orders Call center personnel can manage new, pending, canceled, and completed deliveries from the web app itself.
Manage Customers Manage Customers Call center employees can add new customers and manage existing ones complete with a photo and detailed contact information.
For Sales

For Sales

  • User Friendly
  • Detailed Profile
  • Expense Tracking
  • Payments Tracking
Easy Login Easy Login The salesman can easily login to the app with his username and password. This feature allows the salesman access to the sales app with ease.
Add New Sale Add New Sale The salesman is able to add new sales with the customer name, address, bottles and coolers, amount received, price, and payment method within the app.
Add New Expense Add New Expense Salesmen can add new expenses in the app with details like date, time, expense category, expense amount, and even extra notes.
Add Customers Add Customers Salesmen can add new customers along with the customer name, email, phone number, address, and order details with the app itself.
View Orders View Orders Salesmen can view new , accepted, and completed orders within the app itself from the orders tab in the app. This helps them keep track of each bottle delivered.
View Payments View Payments Salesmen can view payment histories within the app. Details like total sales, bottle sales, cooler sales, coupon sales, net amount received, cash, swiping, and credit can be viewed on the app.
Coupon Sales Coupon Sales Salesmen are able to view all coupon sales and even issue coupons from the app. This feature adds and views all the coupons issued by the app.
Profile Profile Each salesman has a detailed profile on the app complete with his name, mobile number, van name, van code, vehicle number, and photo.
Summary Summary There are separate columns for expense and general summary on the app. This helps to keep track of the happenings in the app and the overall sales by any given salesman.
Retailer Web App

Retailer Web App

  • Customer Management
  • Integrated Billing
  • Active Dashboard
  • Status Reports
Verified Login Verified Login Every retailer has a verified login so that unauthorized personnel do not have access to confidential files. This also ensures that there are no accidental mixups.
Live Dashboard Live Dashboard A dashboard shows live status of the sales and other metrics so that the retailer is able to make changes and do the needful wherever necessary with live updates.
Sales Reports Sales Reports Retailers receive daily, weekly, and monthly sales reports so that they can plan and strategize on how to run their business while figuring out the weak points.
Billing Setup Billing Setup The retailer web app comes with a billing setup within the app so that the retail shop can produce a bill to the customers who seek it at the retail store.
Manage Customers Manage Customers Retailers can manage customers through the web app. They can register each new customer into the app with details like his name and phone number, while specifying if he was co filling or or counter sale.
Warehouse Web App

Warehouse Web App

  • Approved Invoices
  • View Stocks
  • Manage Stocks
  • Check Stock History
Approved Invoices Approved Invoices The warehouse web app has a feature which allows it to get approved invoices from the admin while also seeing the invoices which are pending approval from the admin.
View Stock View Stock Warehouse personnel are able to view the stocks that are already in the warehouse, the stocks that left the warehouse each day, and the stocks that came in each day.
Manage Stock Manage Stock Warehouse personnel can add or remove stock by noting down the date, name of the person, number of items, and other important notes.
Stock History Stock History Warehouse personnel are able to order the billing history and sort it by agency, supervisor, or date. Furthermore, they can update new stock histories and stock removals within the app.
Admin Web App

Admin Web App

  • Multi Informational Dashboard
  • Complete Business Management
  • Sales Tracking
  • Payments and Expense Tracking
Dashboard Dashboard The dashboard lets the admin see all the happenings in the app on a single screen. All the new, pending, completed, and canceled orders can be viewed along with requests, sales, customers, and status.
Add Categories Add Categories The admin is able to add, manage, and edit categories like cans, accessories, and water according to his choice from the admin app itself.
Manage Orders Manage Orders The admin can manage all orders and deliveries with this feature. He can see new, pending, completed, and canceled orders along with retail and co-filling sales.
Manage Product Manage Product The admin can easily add and manage the products delivered by the company with just the click of a button. This feature allows easy customisation.
Manage Billing Manage Billing The admin is able to manage all billing related matters within the app itself. Anything like van billing, agency billing, co filling requests, co fill history, new retail filling, and general billing history could be taken care of from the app.
Manage Vans Manage Vans Admins can manage vans under the company and know the van status while viewing the pending credits through the app itself. The feature shows daily, weekly, monthly, and lifetime status of vans. They can even take care of pending credits.
Manage Agency Manage Agency The admins are able to see the agency status and manage the agencies under the company with the app itself. The daily, weekly, monthly, and lifetime status can be viewed and taken care of within the app itself.
Manage Staff Manage Staff Manage all the staff in the company like the warehouse managers, supervisors, retail managers, and call center staff within the app itself. The admin is able to handle everything with ease.
Manage Customers Manage Customers Manage or add customers with the app itself. The admin can manage and add all kinds of customers with ease from.within the app.
Manage Supervisor Requests Manage Supervisor Requests The admins are able to manage all supervisor requests within the company with the help of the admin app. Be it van or agency, it could be handled from the app.
Warehouse Management Warehouse Management The admin is able to manage the warehouse from the app itself. He can view the approved invoices, stock, and stock history within the app. He can even manage the stock from the app.
Manage Reports Manage Reports The admins can manage all kinds of reports like sales, van, retail, co-fill, agency, VAT, and production reports from.the app itself.
Manage Delivery Schedule Manage Delivery Schedule The admin can view and manage the delivery schedule of the salesmen from the app. This feature allows the admin to keep track of the salesmen at all times.
Manage Bottles Manage Bottles The admins can view and edit the status of any bottle in any van at any given time. This feature helps to keep track of all the bottles deployed for delivery.
Manage Coolers Manage Coolers The admins can view and manage the coolers from the app itself. This helps to keep track of the coolers and let the admins know when each cooler is deployed and returned.
Manage Coupons Manage Coupons Admins can manage coupon packages and coupon purchases within the app itself. This way, they can keep track of issued and used coupons.
Manage Payments Manage Payments The admins are able to manage all payments whether it is customer, agency, or van from the app itself. They can even view the payment history from anyone at any given time.
Manage Expenses Manage Expenses Admins can manage all expenses within the app itself. This feature allows to categorize the expenses, calculate the expenses, see pending payments and even view the payment histories.



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